Welcome To Our Blog
Welcome to our website! We are grateful to everyone whose work and vision helped us reach this point. Stay tuned for project updates here, and we look forward to continuing this journey of community building through art together.
Collaborative Efforts: Enhancing Accessibility and Empowering Incarcerated Artists
We are proud to announce our collaboration with SFU Health Science students and UBC Library Services to enhance the accessibility of the A.R.T and Justice website. Our joint efforts aim to create a user-friendly platform that promotes the artistic contributions of incarcerated individuals while also increasing awareness of the positive impact of art on their…
The Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Incarcerated Individuals
Did you know that the second wave of COVID-19 resulted in 880 incarcerated people being infected as of February 1, 2021, leading to a total of 1,241 infections across Canada? Shockingly, this is approximately 10% of federally incarcerated individuals, compared to a much lower infection rate of only 2% in the general population. The COVID-19…
ART & Justice Accomplishments: From Art Kits to Digital Galleries
Since its inception, the ART & Justice initiative has accomplished several milestones in its efforts to support incarcerated individuals and transform the criminal justice system. Here are some of its key achievements:
A.R.T & Justice: Transforming the Criminal Justice System through Art Therapy
The A.R.T. & Justice initiative is an innovative project that seeks to address health and justice inequalities experienced by incarcerated individuals, particularly those from marginalized communities. The project provides art and writing supplies, Indigenous medicines, teachings, and support to prisoners as a form of therapy to support their mental health and well-being. The initiative is…